Category: Healthcare
Beyond the Gold Standard: How AI and Real-World Data are Transforming Medical Practice
This article explores the transformative role of AI and real-world data in healthcare, complementing traditional randomized clinical trials (RCTs). While RCTs remain the gold standard, they often don’t capture the diversity of real-world clinical practice. AI, leveraging vast datasets from electronic health records, can compare treatment effectiveness across diverse patient populations. The article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between physicians and AI developers to create clinically relevant and secure AI tools. It also highlights AI’s potential to democratize access to high-quality care, ensuring broader patient benefits.
Lisfranc Explained: Understanding the Impact of Midfoot Injuries
Dive into the essentials of Lisfranc injuries, understanding their impact, treatment options, and strategies for a successful recovery.
聯邦式學習在人工智慧醫療中的應用・Speech Notes
探討聯邦式學習如何在 AI 醫療領域中發揮作用,提升資料隱私保護,並促進創新醫療解決方案的發展。
統計學習用於人工智慧輔助診斷 — 和臺北榮總的合作成果・Speech Notes
From Pixels to Diagnoses: Pioneering AI in Chest X-Ray Interpretation (Part 1)
Discover how AI transforms chest X-ray analysis, enhancing accuracy and speed in diagnoses. Explore the pioneering journey in Part 1
淺談下背痛:診斷篇 Low Back Pain – Differential Diagnosis
長期久坐久站、姿勢不正確,讓腰酸背痛成為現代人常見的問題,尤其是「下背痛」。根據台灣家庭醫學醫學會統計,台灣有高達 8 成的成年人有過下背痛。
上肢|Upper Body
💪 上肢 Upper Body 💪
時長約 10 – 14 分鐘 ⌛
電腦視覺 Computer Vision 輔助疾病偵測・學習筆記